
Treat it with Ayurveda

Infertility means not being able to get pregnant after a year of trying. It is not just a woman’s problem, men can be infertile too. Men and women both can have fertility problems.

DEEVYA AYURVEDA & PANCHKARMA CENTRE is here to turn your dreams into reality. We treat infertility problems with ayurveda.  The problem of infertility is quite common these days. Fertility is affected by  many factors like stress, pollution, improper diet etc. The main symptom of infertility is not getting pregnant. Sometimes, a female with infertility may have irregular menstrual periods. Male with infertility have some signs of  hormonal problems.

Apart from these causes, there are some risk factors also such as Age,Tobacco use, Alcohol use,Being overweight, Being underweight, Exercise issues. According to ayurveda, a healthy conception takes place in the presence of healthy sperm and ovum in the healthy womb. At our centre, we support health by strengthening the body’s own self healing and balancing mechanisms. We believe in the holistic approach towards cure, including lifestyle changes.

Our expert doctors diagnose the root cause of infertility through one to one interaction with the patient. After that our doctors begin the treatment. They focus on balancing your doshas. Panchakarma  detoxifies your body to achieve balance. We believe that natural herbs have the power to bring holistic healing. So, our doctors prescribe different ayurvedic and herbal medicines like:

  • Banyan tree bark: The powder of banyan tree bark is given to the patient. It is mixed with sugar.
  • Ashwagandha churna and Kapikacchu: This medicine is given to the males to increase the sperm count and its quality.
  • Phala gritam: This is given to females. It should be mixed with ghee and taken with milk. It is given to treat structural damages.
  • Guduchi,Gokshura and Triphala churna:These medicines are given to treat the blockages in the body.
  • Shatavari:It is a tonic given to females to treat infertility.

Nutrition plays an important role in infertility treatments. So,our expert doctors also guide the patients to take a healthy diet like almonds, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, milk and dairy products and dried fruits. Change in diet and lifestyle is very important. Healthy diet boosts the chances of conception. Patients are also guided to quit bad habits like smoking, alcohol intake, drug usage. Positive  attitude is a must when you are undergoing treatment for infertility.

We lay emphasis on leading a stress free life because stress affects badly on libido and impacts conception. Our experts counsel the patients properly and solve all their problems and queries. They motivate the patients to have a positive mindset during the treatment.

Causes of infertility are:

In males

  • Abnormal sperm production
  • Problems with the delivery of sperm
  • Overexposure to certain environmental factors
  • Damage related to cancer and its treatment.

In females

  • Ovulation disorders
  • Uterine or cervical abnormalities
  • Fallopian tube damage or blockage
  • Endometriosis
  • Early menopause
  • Pelvic adhesions
  • Cancer and its treatment

So visit DEEVYA AYURVEDA & PANCHKARMA CENTRE and turn your dreams into reality.

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