Everything you need to know about Alopecia Areata treatment with Ayurveda

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune condition that causes erratic hair loss. Hair usually falls out in quarter-sized areas. Most people’s baldness is restricted to a few locations, although it can be more serious in some cases. It can occasionally cause complete baldness on the scalp (alopecia totalis) or, in severe cases, the rest of the body (alopecia universalis). Anyone, regardless of gender or age, might be affected by the illness, however, most occurrences occur before the age of 30. This article examines the causes and symptoms of alopecia areata, as well as its diagnosis and potential therapies.


White blood cells assault the cells in hair follicles, leading them to shrink and significantly impede hair development. It is unknown what causes the immune system to assault hair follicles in this way.

While scientists are unknown why these changes occur, it appears that genetics play a role since alopecia areata is more likely to happen in someone who has a close family member who has the illness. One in every five persons with the condition has a family member who has alopecia areata as well.

According to previous studies, many patients with a family history of alopecia areata also have a prior history of other autoimmune conditions, such as atopy, a disorder characterized by vitiligo, thyroiditis, and hyperallergic reactions.

Despite widespread opinion, there is no medical evidence to support the idea that stress causes alopecia areata. Extreme stress might theoretically induce the illness, but most current research indicates a genetic reason.


By studying symptoms, doctors can typically identify alopecia areata quite readily. They may examine hairs from afflicted regions under a microscope to determine the extent of hair loss.

If the doctor is unable to establish a diagnosis following an initial clinical examination, a skin biopsy might be performed. A blood test may be performed to rule out other autoimmune disorders.

Because the signs of alopecia areata are so unique, a diagnosis is typically rapid and simple.

Is Alopecia Areata Treatable?

Further hair loss due to alopecia areata can be avoided if recognized early, according to Ayurvedic practitioners. In most situations, providing your hair with the necessary Poshana (nutrition) and treating the problem with Rasayana (rejuvenator) produced from particular Ayurvedic herbs can solve the condition.

In some mild cases of alopecia areata, your hair regrows on its own in 6 to 12 months, replacing the bald spots. Others can benefit from Ayurvedic therapy to lessen the pace of hair loss and help it regenerate fast.


There is no cure for alopecia areata at the moment, although doctors can recommend various treatments to help hair regrow more quickly.

Corticosteroids, potent anti-inflammatory medicines that can inhibit the immune system, are the most often used kind of alopecia areata therapy. These are often delivered by local injections, oral administration, or topical ointment application.

DPCP, SADBE, Anthralin, and Minoxidil are among more drugs that can be used to increase hair growth or alter the immune system. While some of these may aid in hair regrowth, they cannot prevent the production of new bald patches.

The application of photochemotherapy Some research indicates as a feasible alternative for individuals who are unable or unwilling to employ systemic or invasive medicines.

Aside from its cosmetic value, the hair also provides some protection from the weather. People with alopecia areata who miss their hair’s protective characteristics may want to:

  • Inside the nose, use an ointment to keep the membranes moist and to defend against germs that are generally caught by nasal hair.
  • Scarves, wigs, and hats can be used to protect the head from the sun or to keep it warm.
  • Wear wraparound sunglasses to shield your eyes from the sun and dirt that your brows and eyelashes would ordinarily protect you from.
  • If you are going to go out in the sun, wear sunscreen.

Alopecia areata does not immediately cause illness and is not communicable. It can, however, be tough to emotionally adjust to. For many patients, alopecia areata is a devastating condition that necessitates therapy that addresses both the mental and physical aspects of hair loss.

People can express their ideas and feelings through support groups and therapy, as well as discuss typical psychological reactions to the disease.

Some have linked alopecia areata to vitiligo, an autoimmune skin disorder in which the body assaults melanin-producing cells, resulting in white patches. According to research, these two illnesses may have a similar etiology, with comparable immune cells and cytokines fueling the diseases and common genetic risk factors.

As a result, any advancements in the treatment or prevention of either disease may have an impact on the other.

There have been a few recorded cases where alopecia areata therapy with diphencyprone (DCP), a contact sensitizer, resulted in the development of vitiligo.

Preliminary animal studies have revealed that quercetin, a naturally occurring bioflavonoid present in fruits and vegetables, can both prevent the onset of alopecia areata and successfully cure current hair loss.

Before quercetin may be considered a therapy for alopecia areata, more study, including human clinical trials, is required.

Alopecia Areata Ayurvedic Solution

Before giving a treatment, the Ayurvedic school of medicine believes that the fundamental cause of a condition must be found. Before prescribing an appropriate cure, your Ayurvedic doctor would most likely test your Dosha levels and assess your Prakriti. Ayurveda’s comprehensive approach not only cures but also prevents illness recurrence.

Alopecia Areata is kapha avarodha, which inhibits hair development, according to Ayurveda. Some attribute it to Raktaja krimi. There are a few straightforward methods for preventing and treating this illness. It entails liberally applying pure aloe vera gel to the scalp, rubbing thoroughly, and rinsing. Krimihara chikitsa and keshya chikitsa are Ayurvedic remedies that are particularly successful in curing hair loss and keeping natural dark hair color.

Hair loss is a ‘shirorog,’ and is referred to as ‘khalitya’ in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, the treatment strategy for Alopecia areata is as follows:

  • A balanced diet based on Ayurvedic principles of food consumption is said to be the most essential factor in curing alopecia. Certain foods are suggested to be avoided, while others are encouraged to be consumed regularly. Consumption of nuts, seeds, lentils, pulses, and green leafy vegetables should be increased.
  • Nasya therapy: This therapeutic method includes administering medications through the nose. This procedure removes pollutants from the nasal passageway.
  • Panchakarma: This therapy entails the use of five treatments to cleanse the body completely. Among the five Panchakarma therapies, the ‘shirodhara’ therapy, which consists of a head massage with medicinal oil, is said to be highly beneficial in stimulating hair follicles.
  • Oil massage therapy: When rubbed on the scalp with a mild circular motion daily, a medicated herbal hair oil containing Jasminum grandiflorum has been proven to be particularly successful in treating baldness.
  • Pacification of the pitta: This therapy is thought to be an effective way to improve a person’s digestive tract. It aids in the removal of toxins from the body by the use of strong herbal remedies.

You can try some home remedies

  • Henna may be used as a natural conditioner since it promotes hair development.
  • Apply neem oil to the bald patches regularly for three months to see the change.
  • For a while, apply onion juice to the bald regions daily. It will aid in the regrowth of the hair.
  • Apply a tsp. of salt and black pepper powder on the bald spots, followed by 5 tsp. of coconut oil. It will stimulate hair growth.

Ayurvedic Shampoos to prevent Hair Loss

Shampoo with Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a well-known plant for the treatment of alopecia. It is well-known for its capacity to restore hair even in bald spots where hair follicles have gone dormant. Hibiscus shampoo promotes a healthy scalp and beautiful hair that is strong and resistant to injury.

5 to 6 hibiscus leaves and 2 to 3 hibiscus blooms should be combined to make a paste. You may use the paste as a hair mask by adding yogurt to it.

Shampoo with Reetha Shikakai and Amla

Shikakai (soap pod) and Reetha (soapnut) have been used for centuries to organically wash hair. Reetha, which is high in antioxidants and iron, gently washes your hair and improves its health without causing any harm.

Shikakai is high in Vitamin C, which promotes hair development. It also keeps your scalp’s pH regular, keeping your hair nourished and lustrous.

Add a little amla for added sweetness to keep your hair from graying prematurely. Amla has antibacterial qualities that help it manage your Pitta dosha and combat scalp infections.

What is the duration of Alopecia Areata Solution?

Hair loss caused by alopecia areata usually regrows within a year. This, however, differs from person to person. Hair regrowth may occur immediately after therapy, depending on your conditions and degree of hair loss. There is no set time frame for alopecia areata.

The final word

Alopecia Areata can induce hair follicle destruction, leading to hair loss. Early detection and treatment, on the other hand, can prevent additional hair loss and help you recover your lost hair. A trip to your Ayurvedic practitioner to have your doshas balanced is the first step toward a natural approach to treating alopecia areata. A good diet and healthy living practices can also assist to protect your hair from significant damage. By examining your doshas, the experts at Deevyaayurveda create an Ayurvedic hair care program tailored to your specific hair concerns.

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