Dandruff Herbal Treatments: Why do we need them to deal with hair problems?

dandruff herbal treatments

Hair thinning problems can be a serious physical and mental disorder for a lot of common people. The hair stuck in the brushes & combs are enough to give you sleepless nights. As per the experts, the relentless hair thinning issue can lead people towards frustration, distress, and various other psychological problems. So, do not struggle with self-confidence due to shedding hair & start taking the necessary actions with dandruff herbal treatments.

The majority of people face a hectic lifestyle full of mental stress and environmental pollution. Often the hair fall problem is due to any of these concerns and it is assumed that hair care products are working. Although, the right choice of dandruff herbal treatments can support hair growth. While the market is loaded with hair fall control products, not each of them can offer effective results. We even need to avoid chemical products as they can further damage the hair.

So, it’s time to switch from chemical-leeched products with ayurvedic dandruff herbal treatments products. Our lives are facing a huge pace and stress levels in various day-to-day aspects. The psychological imbalances can lead to hair thinning and ultimately to hair loss. In this article, we will walk you through effective hair thinning remedies to deal with numerous hair fall problems.

But, before diving into the dandruff herbal treatments and details, let’s explore the basic query – Why is my hair thinning, and what products can help?

Why is my hair facing a thinning problem?

The issue of hair thinning in men and women is because of the imbalance in doshas levels in the body. The cause behind the imbalance can be due to no synchronization between mind-body equilibrium. The problem can take a severe turn leading to the problem of hair loss and thinning concerns.

As per Ayurveda, the balance of Pitta dosha can make your body more prone to hair graying and loss. There are several ways to bridge the gap like diet focuses, lifestyle management, and dandruff herbal treatments remedies. It is also recommended to try meditation, herbal massage, aromatherapy, deep breathing, and yoga for long-term benefits. These have already proven to be quite beneficial for various women and men.

Ayurvedic remedies for hair loss and regrowth

But, before we tap into the dandruff herbal treatments, let’s explore how exactly Ayurveda works. As per the ancient history of Ayurveda, every universe thing is created using five elements – air, fire, water, earth, and ether. In addition to this, there are three doshas – namely Vata, pitta, and Kapha. A healthy body is possible if all these elements are maintained well in the body. Doshas take care of almost everything like hair color, body type, illnesses, etc.

In general, there are two dominant doshas in the body. Pitta relates to fire & controls digestion or metabolism. Kapha relates to water & and helps in strengthening immunity or lubrication of joints. Vata relates to air & helps in strengthening our nervous system. Imbalance in any of these doshas can lead to a certain sort of disease. For hair fall, specifically, pitta dosha is said to be responsible. Our body pulse gives an idea about our body dosha & it can be quite erratic for pitta dosha.

There can be several reasons for the hair fall problem like increased weight, bad diet, stress, hormones imbalance, etc. In the human body, to deal with the problem of hair, we need to figure out the root cause of the issue. The entire body system needs to be cleansed from within to balance the doshas. That’s where Ayurveda comes as a savior with dandruff herbal treatments.

Ayurveda is much more than just dandruff herbal treatments and even involves other lifestyle regimens. The adoption of Ayurvedic concepts ensures numerous health benefits. Complying with cycles of nature, the Ayurveda can keep you away from body ailments.

Ayurvedic remedies to hair fall problem

Ayurveda is an old-age treatment that focuses on the use of natural herbs in treating certain body ailments. It is preferred because of zero side effects and long-term benefits with the dandruff herbal treatments of the root cause of any health concerns & disorders. The hair fall or hair thinning on the head crown is a very common problem and requires dandruff herbal treatments.

There are researches and cures available in every medical field including Ayurveda. It has several herbs to reverse the issue completely and offer long-term benefits. Let’s explore some of the Ayurveda cure recommended for hair thinning problem:

1. Amla

Amla is a very basic dandruff herbal treatment material to provide a remedy to the hair fall problem. The product is a natural immunity booster & even helps in maintaining hair health. It is used as an ingredient in various hair care products and shampoo as well. The essential fatty acids available in the Amla strengthen the follicles while boosting the hair strength and stability.

The high amount of iron, antioxidants, Vitamin C, gallic acid, and various other nutrients available in Amla can stimulate hair growth. It even improves the blood circulation around the scalp & provides relief in the dry itchiness by dandruff herbal treatments. Amla is one of the oldest and most basic remedies for hair loss problems. You can consume it directly or indirectly with the use of hair oil. With the regular use of Amla hair oil, your hair can get healthier and stronger from the roots.

Simple tips to use Amla for dandruff herbal treatments:

  1. Mix the Amla powder with the lime juice.
  2. Make a paste and massage your scalp and hair.
  3. The paste is likely to dry out and hence use the shower cap.
  4. Use it for an hour and rinse with the use of normal water.

2. Bhringraj

Bhringraj is another dandruff herbal treatment material to gain hair fall remedy. It is a proven natural ingredient that is necessary for the hair care regime. Even a lot of doctors and hair experts are prescribing the Bhringraj oil these days. You are going to get the advice to massage your scalp with Bhringraj oil on a regular basis. It can even stimulate hair growth in various moist areas of the scalp.

You can find a lot of cosmetic and hair care brands offering Bhringraj oil. Although, you can make the same at home too for dandruff herbal treatments.

  1. Pick several Bhringraj leaves & put them in the sun for drying purposes.
  2. Transfer the leaves to the coconut oil jar.
  3. Leave the container in the sun again for two more days.
  4. Check if the oil color is changed to light green.
  5. Use or massage on the scalp & keep it there overnight.

3. Shikakai

Do you remember those good childhood days when Shikakai was a must for hair care? That’s because of its amazing hair-cleansing properties and alternative to shampoo usage. As per medical and skincare experts, Shikkakai is highly rich in antioxidants. Along with that the presence of vitamin A, C, K, D helps in maintaining hair nourishment.

Simple tips to use Shikakai for dandruff herbal treatments:

  1. Dry the pods in sunlight for a few days and grind them in a mixer. Try to create extra Shikakai powder and keep it at home.
  2. Mix two tablespoons of homemade Shikakai powder with coconut oil.
  3. Keep the container in a cool dark place & store for around 15 days.
  4. Once ready, shake the mixture before use.
  5. Try to use the Shikakai powder twice a week on the hair scalp and keep massaging.

4. Reetha

Reetha is one of the powerful dandruff herbal treatments in curbing the hair fall problem. Also known as soapnuts, the product has been used for hair care regimes for centuries. It signifies the potential of Reetha in our day-to-day life. It can be considered as a saponin that plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hair.


Simple tips to use Reetha for dandruff herbal treatments:

  1. Collect several Shikakai pods along with soapnut pieces.
  2. Boil the mixture in about 5 liters of water.
  3. Keep the mixture overnight for cooling purposes.
  4. Extract the mixture and collect it separately.

That’s it, you’ve successfully prepared your own Reetha shampoo at your home. Start using it right away to start visualizing benefits in the long run.

5. Coconut Milk

Coconut oil is already being used in tons of hair growth products. If we visualize as per medical standards, free radicals are responsible for hindering hair growth. The lauric and capric acid in coconut oil comes with anti-fungal & anti-microbial properties & prevents the formation of free radicals. Hence, it plays a crucial role in the hair growth of individuals. Apart from the oil, even coconut milk is also said to have maximum benefits and can be created at home itself.

Simple tips to create coconut milk at home:

  1. Put the coconut in the grating process. Collect the grated pieces in a pan and add some water to boil for five minutes.
  2. Strain the mixture and let it cool for a while.
  3. Crush the black pepper and methi and add one tablespoon to the mixture.
  4. Apply it to the scalp and hair for half an hour.
  5. Rinse hair with shampoo and dry it.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a prominent product for reducing scalp and hair loss problems. Probably, you might be using Aloe vera directly or indirectly through hair care products.

Yes, it’s true that it can cure a lot of scalp issues. Proteolytic enzymes available in Aloe vera can repair the damaged cells and even make follicle health better. Furthermore, Aloe vera even includes the antifungal properties that turn it into a barrier against the dandruff problem.

Simple tips to use Aloe vera for dandruff herbal treatments:

  1. Collect the Aloe vera stalk and extract out the pulp.
  2. Apply to the hair and scalp.
  3. Keep it for about an hour and use normal water to rinse.
  4. Keep repeating this process three to four times a week.

Follow this hair care regime with ayurvedic Aloe vera to experience better hair growth.

7. Methi

Fenugreek or methi seeds are the popular dandruff herbal treatments of Ayurveda and have been used for centuries. It assists in controlling glucose levels, libido loss, hair growth, and many others. Methi includes iron, L-tryptophan, potassium, lysine, protein, fiber, vitamin C, and alkaloids. Having a suitable combination of these ingredients, methi seeds can prevent hair graying and loss. It is the perfect item to include in the hair care routine if you are expecting soft hair with an amazing glow.

Simple tips to use Methi to deal with dandruff herbal treatments:

  1. Take methi seeds and soak them in water overnight.
  2. Grind them into a paste to use on the hair scalp.
  3. Keep the paste on the head for 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse the hair with normal water.
  5. Follow this process three times a week to control hair fall.

8. Jojoba

It is one other natural ingredient that can keep a check on hair fall. Rich in antifungal properties, Jojoba oil has even other nutrients like Vitamin E, Omega 6, and 9 fatty acids. The presence of saturated fatty acids can fight with the free radicals causing the problem of hair fall. The worth can be predicted with the fact that Jojoba oil is used in various ancient medicines across the globe. It even assists in unclogging the hair follicle which leads to several advantages.

Simple tips to use Jojoba oil for dandruff herbal treatments:

  1. Purchase Jojoba oil from a popular brand.
  2. Boil it in a pot to warm it .
  3. Apply it to hair and gently massage the scalp.
  4. Use the Jojoba oil for half an hour.
  5. Rinse hair with shampoo.

9. Yogurt

Yogurt encourages hair follicle health in ways that no other product can do. Bundled with Vitamin B5 and Vitamin D, yogurt is an ideal ingredient to boost anti-hair fall benefits.

Simple tips to Use Yogurt for dandruff herbal treatments:

  1. Take two tablespoons of yogurt and mix with 1 tablespoon of lemon and honey.
  2. Apply the mixture on the scalp and roots using a brush.
  3. Keep it for 30 minutes and rinse with the normal water.
  4. Use once a week for best benefits.

10. Neem

Neem is an all-in-one cure ingredient for a hair care regime. Its antimicrobial property plays a vital role in curing hair loss problems. Neem leaves are an effective solution to stimulate hair growth. It even acts as a potent blood purifier that assists in removing several impurities. Say goodbye to the hair thinning problem and promote the hair growth properties. It is one of the natural dandruff herbal treatments that have zero side effects.

Simple tips to Use Neem for dandruff herbal treatments:

  1. Take neem leaves and grind them into a paste.
  2. Add a little amount of warm water.
  3. Apply on hair and wrap with a towel.
  4. Keep it for an hour or so and rinse with shampoo.

Some Other Ayurveda Products For Hair Fall Remedies

Apart from the above key mentions, several other dandruff herbal treatments products can contribute to hair growth:

1. Brahmi

Brahmi hair oil is a good alternative for mental awareness and improving concentration levels. Using Brahmi Oil in hair thinning problems can be helpful while stimulating hair follicles. Improved blood circulation in the scalp can reduce hair fall issues. You need to apply the hair oil and use it overnight. Use normal water to rinse the hair the next day.

2. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a relaxant material and provides relief from the body’s stress levels. It calms the mind and eliminates all sorts of stress-related to hair fall.

3. Hibiscus Oil

This oil provides huge potential in dealing with hair thinning or loss problems. In one way, it even leads to hair regrowth. The best part is that you can create this oil in your home itself. Hibiscus leaves and flowers can be used in oil and directly applied to the scalp.

4. Curry leaves Oil

Curry leaves are majorly used in cooking all over the world. They are helpful in hair growth as well because of rich beta carotenes. They are easy to prepare and used directly in the affected areas. Try to warm some oil and add curry leaves to it. Cool the mixture, remove the leaves and store the mixture as curry oil. It is recommended to use this hair oil before going for a hair wash.

5. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil encourages hair growth in the body. With the help of Carnosol, an anti-inflammatory agent it helps in controlling doshas and thus enhancing follicle or hair growth.

6. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is specifically known for strengthening hair roots and reducing hair fall. Linalool and Linalyl Acetate present in this oil contributes to the strengthening of follicle deepening properties. The thermal layer thickening property of the oil allows the strengthening of hair roots and stimulating follicles. So, as you get the chance to provide care to your hair, lavender oil can be an ideal choice.

7. Juniper Oil

Juniper oil is one other natural cure for hair loss problems. Because of the astringent qualities, the oil will contribute to hair growth. The usage of this oil on hair scalp will avoid any sort of acne breakouts. It comes with the antiseptic property and curbs out the acne-causing bacteria. With the help of scalp cleansing, the Juniper oil can reduce various impurities from gathering within hair follicles.

8. Castor Oil

Castor oil is a deserving hair oil that provides huge benefits in strengthening hair. Not a lot of us prefer using this, yet the oil has been delivering dandruff herbal treatments for years. These are rich in minerals, vitamin E, and proteins & can deliver magical results. The quality Castor oil has rich ricinoleic acid and Omega 6 that boost the blood circulation in the scalp and further assist hair growth. The oil penetrates deeper into the scalp and even contributes to making the rough hair smooth.

These were some of the proven hair oils and dandruff herbal treatments that can work for anyone. The best part is that there won’t be any sort of side effects. In case, you’re not able to find the solution for you, do consult a doctor or Ayurveda expert.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ques. Is it right to use chemical and dandruff herbal treatments (Ayurvedic) products together?

It purely relies on the medical requirement and what you want to achieve. It must be discussed with the doctor or Ayurvedic practitioner before starting to use both of them. Do not forget to share the products that you’re going to use. Doctors can even prescribe the medicines as per the health conditions. You need to undergo certain tests to find out if you’re allergic to any ingredients.

In simple words, avoid self-prescribing medicines or products. Chemical medicines are used for immediate intervention, while Ayurvedic medicines are suitable for long-term benefits. Hence, it becomes necessary for you to consult the doctor if there is a need for chemical products. However, ideally, you must be preferring more towards dandruff herbal treatments products and avoid mixing them with any chemicals unless prescribed by the doctor itself.

Ques. What are the ways to regrow my thinning hair?

To deal with the problems of thinning hair, you need to remove the toxins in the body & balance doshas in parallel. There are several ayurvedic medicines available to maintain both tasks in your body. The detoxifying process ensures healing the body with zero side effects.

Ques. Is it possible to grow hair back after thinning?

Yes, there are several ways to treat the underlying root cause and can reverse the hair thinning process. Try to improve your diet, maintain stress and lifestyle to gain maximum benefits. The effective way to regrow the hairs is the consumption of super ayurvedic materials with the goodness of several herbs. Use them to process detox and balance doshas level in the body.

Ques. Can Triphala help in hair regrowth?

Triphala contains the ingredient of amla that serves the hair growth and prevents the hair fall problem. Frequent consumption of Triphala is going to improve digestion as well.

Ques. How to use the massage oil on your scalp?

You need to give yourself some alone time to experience rejuvenating scalp massage. Listening to music or walking or whatever can make you feel calm. Put a little amount of oil on the palm and try to massage the scalp with the fingertips. Move your hands from backward to forward with gentle downward pressure. Make sure to not pull hair or exert too much pressure unless required. Follow the process for a while and cover the entire scalp area to feel a bit relaxed.

Ques. Can Ayurveda cure hair thinning?

Yes, Ayurveda comes with the capability to cure Hair thinning problems. Various herbs in the ayurvedic mixtures can balance the doshas in the body while reversing the hair thinning.

Ques. How to store Ayurvedic dandruff herbal treatments oils?

Ayurvedic oils need to be stored carefully with minimal interference of the chemicals. Storage of hair treatment oils is suitable in plastic bottles. These will not even store the herbal oil for a long time, but wouldn’t degrade the beneficial factors of dandruff herbal treatments too. They are highly durable and provide maximum ease in shipping due to non-breakable material. Moreover, in some cases, wooden boxes or bottles are also used to store ayurvedic oils and retain their therapeutic properties.

Are you suffering from dandruff or hair fall problems? Choose a herbal treatment from Deevya Ayurveda & put an end to all such problems without any side effects. Connect with us today to seek the best herbal cure consultation with zero side effects.




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